The Heavy Metal White Guilt Blame Game

phil_anselmoI was never an Anthrax fan.  Lord knows I’ve tried to like ’em because they sing about Judge Dredd and they had Mort Drucker from Mad magazine illustrate the back cover for their 1988 LP State of Euphoria.  But now I’m done with it.  Bald, goatee wearing, Jewish guitarist Scott Ian pretty much took the cake with his stupidity.  No, I’m not talking about how he’s a Bernie Sanders supporter “In spite how it’s throwing my vote away.”  I’m talking about his recent comment where he feels that former Pantera singer and fellow baldy Phil Anselmo should donate to the Simon Weisenthal Center to show he’s “sincerely sorry” (the article primarily features quotes from another goatee wearing baldy, guitarist Kerry King of Slayer, but Ian’s pathetic comments are at the end) for shouting “white power” and doing a Hitler salute at the end of the set at the latest Dimebash performance.

Now, in my humble opinion, doing a Hitler salute completely out of context in front of people you don’t know, many of whom may be of a darker skin tone, is a pretty boneheaded move.  Nobody is going to dispute that.  But, when you release a video such as the one below, where you’re practically groveling in the dirt and one step above kissing the boot of a black man in prison who is shouting, “who’s your daddy?” before bending you over as you shout “I deserve this!  I fucking deserve this!”, I think the matter should be completely forgotten.  I dunno, you be the judge:

Now, before I go on and continue to make my point about how stupid Scott Ian’s comments were, just take a look at this video.

Real great, huh?  Anthrax, the good time, non-serious, always smiling, party thrash band, shows that they’re ahead of the curve, they’re beyond mere political correctness, they’re so against racism, they’ll do a crossover music video with a notoriously racist and anti-semitic rap group called Public Enemy.  What’s that you say?  Public Enemy isn’t racist or anti-semitic; only Professor Griff is and they duly kicked him out?  Well, then why in the fucking hell is PE’s main man Chuck D singing “Farrakhan’s a prophet and I think you ought to listen to/What he can say to you, what you wanna do is follow for now”?  And yes, we’re talking Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Black Nationalist hate group, the Nation of Islam, who have nary a nice thing to say about white people and especially Jewish people.

Only the leftest of leftists will contest that it’s not a double standard that, if a white band were to sing “David Duke’s a prophet and I think you ought to listen to/What he can say to you, what you wanna do is follow for now”, that white band would look like this:

Catchy tune, eh?  Eh, not really.  I know some people who like this band in spite what they sing about, but I think they’re pretty lousy.  That’s not the point though.  The point is that, without a doubt, there’s a double standard, where someone like Ice Cube can get away with singing “Or your little chop suey ass’ll be a target of the nationwide boycott/Juice with the people, that’s what the boy got/So pay respect to the black fist/or we’ll burn your store, right down to a crisp” or Beyonce can perform at the Superbowl with women dressed like Black Panthers and only a few inquisitive pundits will ask,”but why is one okay and not the other?”

So, that brings us back to Scott Ian and metal in general.  Either Scott Ian is ignorant of who Louis Farrakhan is or he felt that, for a black group, it’s perfectly acceptable to praise anti-white bigots because like the system’s all rigged against them and shit.  Underground music has been getting lefter and lefter.  Whereas punk rock in the 70s and 80s had a few leftist bands that yelled the loudest and were the most popular (actually that’s not entirely true.  The Ramones, Black Flag and Minor Threat are apolitical for the most part, but the Clash introduced Marxist concepts into punk, Crass introduced “anarchism” and the Dead Kennedys were the Jon Stewarts of punk), leftist influence has pretty much dominated the genre in varying degrees, and, since many a punk people now want to enter the field of metal and spread messages of “Social Justice”, the metal scene has also been progressively moving into the realm of political correctness.

I’m a music fan, so I really don’t have the whole Metalgate beef with a band like Cattle Decapitation singing their pro-vegan screed, especially when you can’t even really understand what they’re saying.  What I DO have a problem with is someone like Scott Ian becoming the arbiter of morality and trying to guilt trip Phil Anselmo even more than Anselmo has guilt tripped himself.  For the record, I’m not a Pantera fan as their brand of “groove thrash” and Anselmo’s tough guy, Henry Rollins-esque delivery never really appealed to me, but I respect Anselmo a WHOLE heck of a lot for launching the Housecore label and signing weirdo bands like Author & Punisher and Child Bite, for bringing completely non-commercial underground bands like Neurosis, Morbid Angel and Anal Cunt on tour with them so they could play in front of tens of thousands of people and for spending his hard earned cash on the Housecore music and film festival, giving wider exposure to underground artists and bands.  For crying out loud, he got Goblin, the Italian prog band who did the soundtracks for Suspiria and Dawn of the Dead, into North America!  He should be given some sort of award for that alone!

Now look, I’m no psychic, so I can’t get into Phil Anselmo’s brain and see if he’s truly sorry or if he’s truly “racist” and I really don’t think it matters.  The fact is, he clearly doesn’t want to destroy what he’s worked for for nearly three decades, because, if he did, there IS a fringe industry of white power labels like Resistance who would LOVE to have an endorsement from someone as well known as Phil Anselmo.  The point is that we’ve come so far down this path, that we forget that Tommy Lee went to jail for beating his wife, Ozzy Osbourne the same, that Vince Neill drove drunk and murdered Razzel, the drummer of Hanoi Rocks, that Gene Simmons has pumped and dumped 4,000+ different women without so much as a thought about how it might affect the young lasses’ psyche, that so many musicians have fathered illegitimate children, overdosed on heroin or spread HIV, yet the only thing that really enrages people is the thought that someone might cross that proverbial line of being a “racist.”  Oh, I guess people were pretty outraged over Garry Glittler’s child porn collection, but, even listening to his music is more acceptable than listening to the first Skrewdriver album, the one that doesn’t have any racist lyrics on it.

Now I’m signing out and going back to listening to Manilla Road, reading my Conan books and heading out for night three of Berserker fest.  Cheers and please watch this video from Some Black Guy where he condemns Anselmo’s actions while also completely disputing the concept of “white privilege” in our society.  Good man!


Is Leftism Really a Religion?


Yeah, we say it all the time; leftism is a religion, a sickness and a mental disorder.  But how do we exactly go about proving that?  After all, if I adhere to certain views without an ounce of proof, someone could just as easily call what I believe to be pure zealotry.  And, to be fair, people on the right have done that very thing; Todd Akin comes to mind when he claimed women rarely get pregnant from “legitimate rape” as a defense for the pro-life stance.  And, boy, did the liberal media have a field day with that one.

Liberal and conservative are just concepts that have little meaning out of context.  After all, I DO stand for classical liberalism – free market, low taxes and economic liberty without much government intrusion – but, the modern left is anything but liberal.  It’s ironic that the leftists make fun of evangelicals so much when they hold to their views with a religious fervor that puts evangelicals to shame.  In order to maintain their narrative, they’ll defy any logic and fact based reasoning, and I shall demonstrate this with three basic examples.

  1. The alleged gender based gap in pay equity: 

    Feminists and leftists contend that women only make $0.77 for every man’s dollar strictly because of gender based discrimination.  Of course we all know that’s bullshit, so we tell these feminists that the reason women only make $0.77 of every man’s dollar is because, when women go to college, they choose fields that are less marketable, such as sociology, women’s studies and communications, rather than more marketable majors such as engineering or math.  They also tend to work fewer hours and take on less stressful, less dangerous and thus less well paying jobs.  In fact this Huffington Post article says that very thing, and, if that ain’t cognitive dissonance, then I don’t know what is.  Of course a reasonable person would then say, “oh, cool, so there isn’t gender based discrimination.  I’m glad that battle is over!”  However the leftist or feminist will call you a misogynist pig or, at very least, tell you “huh, well I don’t agree with that!”  Ergo maintaining faith in the narrative.

  2.  The need for more gun control: 

    This one is really tough for leftists.  The question is always put to them whether they a. are trying eliminate guns altogether or b. whether they just want to make it tougher to obtain guns.  If their point is a., then you’re dealing with a whole different debate in which you can give all kinds of obvious and absurd examples of how useless eliminating guns would be and how that could lead to the slippery slope of implementing knife control, like they do in England or even worse pepper spray control, like they do in Finland, where they teach women to defend themselves from rapists by using the force (notice how the “potential rapist” is a lily white guy and not a Muslim Arab, because portraying the population that ACTUALLY commits the crimes is “racist”).  However, if you’re talking to an honest leftist (which is rare) and this person doesn’t actually want to eliminate guns, but just wants to make it harder to get them, you simply point out that the places with the highest gun crime rates have the strictest gun control measures and that the crimes are committed by hood rats who own illegal firearms.  On top of that, show them that nice areas with nearly zero gun control have zero gun crime, in spite the fact that most of the citizens have a mini arsenal in their homes.  This Bill Whittle video should do nicely.  There, proven!  The person should have one less leftist belief, right?  Well, according to my former friend and ardent, dedicated leftist zealot Ernesto Yermoli: “I’m not watching a video where the guy calls people ‘weanies’.  Edwin, I have friends in Europe who are TERRIFIED of our pro-gun culture.”  Well, Ernesto, I have friends who are terrified of black people, what of it?  The narrative will be maintained.

  3. White police officers are out to get blacks: 

    As the clear and simple evidence shows, police officers are bigots and it’s open season on unarmed, black teenagers.  After all, Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown and Brown was unarmed.  Now, all you have to do to debunk this absolutely silly notion is remember how Michael Brown was strong arming the owner of a convenience store for cigarettes, charged a police officer and tried to grab a gun away from him and that all of the witnesses who allegedly saw the incident lied about it.  On top of that, you have to consider that, like the Trayvon Martin case, the media decided to make it a national news story, rather than a local one and, in the latter case, turned the Hispanic George Zimmerman into a white man.  You also have to look at the statistics, which say that police officers shoot white people way more than they shoot black people, that officers have actually become more reluctant to shoot at blacks for fear of being accused of racism and that the net result of cops deciding not to do their jobs for fear of being accused of racism lead to a huge spike in the murder rate in Baltimore, in which gangs settled all of their scores.  It doesn’t hurt to mention that people living in black neighborhoods prefer to have a police presence to keep their neighborhoods from turning into total bedlam.  Of course, once you explain all of that, hopefully that’s one less leftist view that person will have.  But, things aren’t that easy.  The leftist is sick in the head doesn’t think that way.  Instead he/she/it will say, “YOU’RE RACIST!!! MICHAEL BROWN WAS UNARMED AND DARREN WILSON SHOT HIM!!!  DARREN WILSON IS WHITE, MICHAEL BROWN IS BLACK, THEREFORE RACISM!!!!” Again the narrative will be maintained.


Sometimes I wonder where this extreme narcissism and inability to listen to facts comes from.  My friend Dan told me that, as long as I have solid evidence with which to present my points, then people will be reasonable and listen.  If that was the case, then why does Bernie Sanders have a career?